What Is Orthodontic Treatment ?

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of dental and facial irregularities. The goal of orthodontic treatment is to straighten teeth and correct bite problems, resulting in a healthy and beautiful smile. This is often done using braces, retainers, and other orthodontic appliances. It is a safe method for correcting irregular teeth and jaws, using natural bone formation and resorption by giving optimal force to move the teeth or jaws to get desired result.

About Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment is a way to correct misaligned teeth and jaws, and improve the appearance of your smile. It can also help improve the function and health of your teeth and jaws.

Orthodontic treatment can be done at any age, but it is most commonly done during the teenage years when the face and jaws are still growing. Treatment can also be done in adulthood, but it may be more complex and take longer to complete.

The goal of orthodontic treatment is to straighten teeth, correct bite problems, and improve the overall appearance of the smile. This is typically done using a combination of appliances such as braces, retainers, and headgear.

Braces are the most common type of orthodontic appliance, and they consist of metal brackets and wires that are attached to the teeth. The brackets and wires work together to gradually move the teeth into the desired position.

Retainers are typically used after braces have been removed to help keep the teeth in their new position. They are typically worn at night or for a certain period of time each day.

Headgear is another type of orthodontic appliance that is used to correct bite problems by applying pressure to the jaw. It is typically worn at night or for a certain period of time each day.

Orthodontic treatment typically takes anywhere from 18 months to 2 years, but the exact length of treatment will depend on the individual case. Regular visits to the orthodontist are required to monitor the progress of treatment and make any necessary adjustments.

Types Orthodontics Treatment In India

There are several types of orthodontic treatments available, including:

- Metal Braces : Traditional metal braces are the most commonly used type of orthodontic treatment. They consist of metal brackets and wires that are used to straighten teeth.

- Lingual Braces : These are similar to metal braces, but they are placed on the inside (lingual) surface of the teeth, making them virtually invisible.

- Invisalign : This is a clear plastic aligner system that is custom-made to fit over the teeth. It is virtually invisible and can be removed for eating and cleaning.

- Self-Ligating Braces : These are similar to traditional metal braces, but they use a special clip instead of elastic bands to hold the wire in place, making them more comfortable and efficient.

- Mini-Braces : These are similar to traditional metal braces but smaller in size and often used for minor tooth movements.

- Surgically-Assisted Orthodontic Treatment : This is an advanced orthodontic treatment that involves both orthodontic treatment and oral surgery to correct severe bite problems and jaw abnormalities.

When Orthodontics Treatment Required?

Orthodontic treatment is typically recommended when a person has misaligned teeth or jaws that are causing functional or aesthetic problems. Some common reasons for seeking orthodontic treatment include:

- Spacing : When there are gaps between the teeth due to missing teeth or teeth that are too small.

- Overbite : When the upper teeth extend too far over the lower teeth, causing the lower teeth to bite into the roof of the mouth.

- Underbite : When the lower teeth extend too far forward, causing the upper and lower teeth to not align properly.

- Open Bite : When the upper and lower front teeth do not touch when the mouth is closed.

- Crossbite : When the upper teeth do not come down slightly in front of the lower teeth when biting.

- Protrusion : When the upper teeth protrude too far out or lower teeth do not come out enough.

- Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders : Orthodontics can be used to correct jaw alignment, which can alleviate symptoms of TMJ.

It is important to note that orthodontic treatment is not only for aesthetic reasons but also for functional reasons, such as improving bite, speech, and chewing.

It is important to consult an orthodontist to determine if orthodontic treatment is needed and what the best course of treatment would be.

Process Of Orthodontics Treatment

Orthodontic treatment is a process of straightening or moving teeth to improve the appearance and function of the teeth and jaws. The process typically involves the use of braces or clear aligners to apply pressure to the teeth and gradually move them into their desired positions.

- Initial Consultation : During this visit, the orthodontist will examine your teeth and jaws and determine the best course of treatment.

- Diagnostic Records : The orthodontist will take x-rays, photographs, and impressions of your teeth to create a detailed treatment plan.

- Appliance Placement : Once the treatment plan has been established, the orthodontist will place the appliances (such as braces or aligners) on the teeth.

- Adjustments : Regular visits to the orthodontist are required to monitor the progress of treatment and make any necessary adjustments to the appliances.

- Progress Monitoring : The orthodontist will track the progress of the treatment and make any necessary adjustments to the appliances to ensure that the teeth are moving in the desired direction.

- Removal Of Appliances : Once the teeth have been properly aligned, the appliances will be removed and retainers will be prescribed to maintain the new position of the teeth.

It is important to note that the duration of treatment and the specific steps may vary depending on the individual case and the type of orthodontic treatment being used.

Prerequisites Before Undergoing A Orthodontics Treatment

Before undergoing orthodontic treatment, there are several prerequisites that need to be met to ensure the best outcome of the treatment. These include:

Good Oral Hygiene

Orthodontic treatment can increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease, so it is important to have good oral hygiene habits before starting treatment. This includes brushing and flossing regularly, and visiting the dentist for regular cleanings.

Healthy Teeth And Gums

Orthodontic treatment is not recommended for people with active tooth decay or gum disease. These issues should be treated before undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Adequate Bone Structure

Orthodontic treatment works by moving the teeth, which requires a certain amount of bone structure to support the movement. If there is not enough bone, a bone graft may be necessary before treatment can begin.

Good Overall Health

Some medical conditions can make orthodontic treatment more difficult or increase the risk of complications. It is important to inform the orthodontist of any medical conditions before treatment begins.


Orthodontic treatment requires a high degree of patient compliance, which means that the patient must be willing to follow the orthodontist’s instructions for wearing braces or aligners, keeping the teeth and gums clean, and keeping regular appointments.

Realistic Expectation

It is important to have realistic expectations about the treatment outcome, the treatment duration, and the amount of effort required for maintaining the braces or aligners.

Orthodontic treatment works by moving the teeth, which requires a certain amount of bone structure to support the movement. If there is not enough bone, a bone graft may be necessary before treatment can begin.

How To Take Care Of The Treated Orthodontics

Taking care of orthodontic treatment is important for ensuring the best outcome and maintaining good oral health. Here are some tips for caring for orthodontic treatment:

- Brush And Floss Regularly : Braces or aligners can make it more difficult to clean the teeth, so it is important to brush and floss regularly to remove food particles and plaque. A water flosser can be helpful to reach hard-to-reach areas.

- Use Orthodontic Wax : If the braces or aligners are causing discomfort, orthodontic wax can be used to cover the brackets or aligners and provide relief.

- Avoid Hard, Sticky, Or Sugary Foods : These types of foods can damage the braces or aligners, so it is best to avoid them during treatment.

- Wear Elastics As Directed By The Orthodontist : If elastics are a part of the treatment, they should be worn as directed by the orthodontist to ensure the best outcome.

- Keep Regular Appointments : Regular appointments with the orthodontist are important for monitoring progress and making any necessary adjustments to the treatment.

- Wear Retainers As Directed By The Orthodontist : Once the treatment is completed, a retainer will be provided to maintain the position of the teeth, it’s important to wear it as directed by the orthodontist.

- Maintain Good Oral Hygiene : It is important to maintain good oral hygiene during and after the treatment to avoid any oral health issues.

- Be Patient : Orthodontic treatment can take several months to a few years, depending on the case. It’s important to be patient and follow the treatment plan as directed by the orthodontist to achieve the best outcome.

It is important to follow the orthodontist’s instructions for caring for the treatment and to address any issues or concerns with the orthodontist as soon as they arise.

Orthodontics Treatment Cost In Hyderabad

The cost of orthodontic treatment can vary depending on several factors such as the type of treatment, the severity of the case, and the experience of the orthodontist. In general, the cost of orthodontic treatment in Hyderabad can range from around 50,000 to 2 Lakh INR or more, depending on the above-mentioned factors.

For example, traditional metal braces typically cost less than clear aligners, which are a more recent technology. Clear aligners can cost anywhere between 1 Lakh INR to 1.5 Lakh INR.

It is important to keep in mind that orthodontic treatment is a long-term investment in one’s oral health and overall well-being. It is important to do research and choose an orthodontist who is qualified, experienced, and reputable. It is also a good idea to get a few quotes from different orthodontists to compare prices and services.

It is also important to check with the orthodontist if they offer any payment plans or financing options to make the treatment more affordable.

Please note that the cost can vary greatly, it’s always best to check with the orthodontist directly to get a more accurate estimate of the cost of treatment.

Frequently Asked Question

You May Ask

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that focuses on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of dental and facial irregularities. It aims to improve the function, health, and appearance of a patient’s teeth, jaw, and face.

The Indian Orthodontic Society recommends that children see an orthodontist at the age of seven. However, orthodontic treatment can be beneficial at any age. If you have crooked or crowded teeth, an overbite or underbite, or other dental issues, it’s a good idea to consult with an orthodontist.

There are several types of orthodontic treatment, including traditional braces, clear braces, Invisalign, lingual braces, and removable appliances. The type of treatment that’s right for you will depend on the severity of your dental issues and your personal preferences.

The length of orthodontic treatment varies depending on the severity of your dental issues and the type of treatment you receive. On average, treatment can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years or more.

Orthodontic treatment may cause some discomfort or soreness, particularly in the first few days after braces or aligners are adjusted. However, any pain or discomfort can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers, and it typically subsides within a few days.

It’s important to maintain good oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment. You should brush and floss regularly, and avoid eating hard or sticky foods that can damage your braces or appliances. Your orthodontist will provide you with specific instructions for caring for your teeth and appliances.

Hyderabad Laser Dentistry have experienced, best Orthodontists in Hyderabad

Book Your Appointment Today

Don’t let misaligned teeth and jaws hold you back from achieving a healthy and beautiful smile. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our experienced orthodontist and learn more about how orthodontic treatment can help improve the appearance and function of your teeth and jaws. Don’t wait any longer, take the first step towards your new smile today Book Appointment in Hyderabad Laser Dentistry!